AI-Copilot built with enterprise grade security

Designed in partnership with industry leaders from the start, ensuring compliance and catering to the unique needs of the industry

Demo buchen

Wie gewährleisten Sie den sicheren Zugang und die Wartung von Aufdach-Solaranlagen?

Welche Materialien sollte ich verwenden, um Schmutz auf der Platte zu entfernen?

Was sind die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen bei der Installation des Wechselrichters?

Um einen sicheren Zugang zur Dach-Solaranlage zu gewährleisten, wird empfohlen, die Reinigung der Paneele, die Fehlererkennung und -überwachung, ...

Verwenden Sie einen Schlauch und besprühen Sie die Oberfläche. Verwenden Sie keine Reinigungsmittel oder scharfen Reiniger für die Platten...

Ziehen Sie vor Beginn der Arbeiten alle Gleich- und Wechselstromkabel ab und vergewissern Sie sich, dass der Wechselstromstecker frei von Spannung ist...

Our team members have a research background from some of the best universities in the world. This knowledge, state-of-the-art research, and the latest breakthroughs in natural language processing and deep learning enabled us to develop a unique technology.

World Class Research

Grounded in your business data

NLP ist ein Bereich der künstlichen Intelligenz, der sich darauf konzentriert, Computer in die Lage zu versetzen, menschliche Sprache zu verstehen, zu interpretieren und zu erzeugen, um die Kommunikation und Interaktion zwischen Menschen und Maschinen zu erleichtern.

Ensuring data security is a top priority for our customers when it comes to AI. They want confidence that their data remains within the organization and is accessed only by relevant personnel. Our Control Suite is designed to meet this need, offering robust visibility and control over AI processes, putting you in command of your data security.

Privacy & Data Security

Building AI responsibly

GDPR Compliant solution built within Europe, guided by the European principles of privacy, security and democracy.

Download Privacy Info Sheet
Observability & Control

Your data, your control

The only AI solution where you have complete insight and control over your AI model. Learn how the AI behaves and train it to improve, all no-code!

Download Observability Info Sheet

Globally Accelerated Availability

Modern manufacturing companies have presence in various regions across the globe, which means that our AI has be able to support various languages and the infrastructure able to scale to performance in those regions.

Built with a robust infrastructure, our product ensures a seamless and efficient experience across Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, and China Mainland, delivering consistent high-quality results globally.

Cutting Edge AI Models

NLP ist ein Bereich der künstlichen Intelligenz, der sich darauf konzentriert, Computer in die Lage zu versetzen, menschliche Sprache zu verstehen, zu interpretieren und zu erzeugen, um die Kommunikation und Interaktion zwischen Menschen und Maschinen zu erleichtern.

Our team comes from top-tier research institutions such as Stanford, MIT, and TU Munich. Over the past few years, we have closely collaborated with mechanical engineering companies to ensure that AI models can be optimised for theirs workflows, especially in service and production.

We understand that general AI models often fall short when dealing with specific data like circuit diagrams, technical drawings, or specialized queries. That's why we develop tailored AI solutions designed to meet the unique needs of our industry.

Our specialized AI models are at the forefront of processing technical documents. We are committed to continuous improvement and use the NDCG metric to evaluate the effectiveness of our search algorithms, benchmarking against scientific standards. This ensures that our technology remains cutting-edge.
Learn more about the NDCG metric and Discounted cumulative gain (DCG), a key measure of search result quality, here.

Our services include: 


Focus on inter-document relatedness in scientific documents


Check the truthfulness of scientific claims

Why choose KNOWRON?

Our commitment to being customer-centric drives us to deliver a comprehensive solution that excels in effectiveness, security, and compliance. We understand the importance of providing a full-fledged companion in knowledge management, ensuring that your organization thrives in today's competitive landscape.
Check the Industry Benchmark table

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